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This spring began with most scouts around the country searching for answers when it came to finding college bats. It was evident that a crop of pitching had separated itself and it was a group that found themselves entrenched in the early or first round conversation. But, it has taken a good chunk of the spring for the group of bats to establish themselves. And, how have they done it? Many of them have done on it sheerly on overwhelming performance.

Scouts of course are looking for the requisite tools required to be an elite draft choice, but if you’re looking[…]


Piliere: College Baseball’s Rising Bats

This spring began with most scouts around the country searching for answers when it came to finding college bats. It was evident that a crop of pitching had separated itself and it was a group that found themselves entrenched in the early or first round conversation. But, it has taken a good chunk of the spring for the group of bats to establish themselves. And, how have they done it? Many of them have done on it sheerly on overwhelming performance.

Scouts of course are looking for the requisite tools required to be an elite draft choice, but if you’re looking[…]


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